Manage Azure on your iPhone or iPad

On the go? Using your iPhone or iPad? Now you can control all of your Azure resources, check their status, and fix things when they go wrong! All for free!

Get it now!

Your app. Your framework. Your platform. All welcome.

Microsoft Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services—analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage, and web—for moving faster, achieving more, and saving money.

Free Trial


Start, stop, restart

Forget to shut that VM down? Stop it with a tap!


See the CPU or Requests to know if your service is overloaded.

Audit everything

Browse the event log and see who has access to anything.

Explore storage

Download anything from storage you can open in iOS.

Let's Get In Touch!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? That's great! Tweet at us or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!